Getting Started

Office Hours: (Pacific Time)
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday
208-765-8061 ext. 105

Most treatments can be completed within two days. Treatment days may vary due to exceptions in our schedule.

To save time, you can download the forms below, then bring in at the time of your visit. (Please do not send us any of these forms prior to your scheduled appointment.)

Download all forms

Included in your PDF download are:

• Personal Information
• Informed Consent
• Symptom Survey
• Lyme Disease
• Procedures Fees
• Private Membership Agreement


Many of our members had previously paid tens of thousands of dollars for consultations, testing and treatment – which often continued for years. Unfortunately, this major investment of time and money often did not produce significant, long-term results.

At Dynamic Health, our goal is to help you achieve the best possible results in the most cost effective and timely manner. We strongly believe in treating you the way we would want to be treated.

When compared to conventional Lyme procedures, we believe that you’ll find LymeStop to be more comprehensive and relatively inexpensive.

The LymeStop/CBT Procedures include:

Consultation and comprehensive LS/CBT examination

4 Office Visits to treat:

  • All identified Lyme-related infections
  • Any other infections and/or allergies

All nutritional support for 3 months

Your followup evaluation with any necessary treatment

Total Fee for the above services: $3,800, but increasing to $4,000 after Sept. 1, 2024.

* A $500 non-refundable deposit is due at the time your appointment is scheduled. This amount will be applied to the total cost of your care.

There are no fees for blood tests or other lab testing since they are not required for the LymeStop evaluation and treatment.

There are no insurance billing codes for LymeStop procedures. We are therefore unable to accept any type of insurance as payment. Payment in full is expected at time of service. We accept cash, checks, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express.

Dr. Tony Smith with his invaluable assistants Denise, Suzan and Candace

Dynamic Health, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

Healthcare practitioners attending a CBT Seminar

CBT training is a requirement for any doctor who wants to apply for LymeStop certification training when it becomes available.